jueves, julio 16, 2009

Ciudad Encantadora / Enchanting Town (Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria)

Велико Търново, това e средновековната столица на България с повече от 7000 години история (Veliko Tárnovo, la capital medieval de Bulgaria, nos ofrece más de siete mil años de Historia. Veliko Tarnovo, the medieval capital of Bulgaria, is brought to you with more than 7000 years of history.) Арбанашките къщи-крепости (las fortalezas amuralladas de Arbanassi, the Arbanassi fortress-houses) дворци и кули, (palacios y torres, palaces and towers) великолепни музеи, (espectaculares museos, spectacular museums) древните колони с надписи на гордите ни владетели, (antiguas columnas donde dejaron sus inscripciones sus orgullosos gobernantes, ancient columns with writings left by their proud rulers) и манастири с богат стенопис, (y monasterios con murales únicos, and monasteries with unique murals).

Това са най-сетне нощите, изпълнени с равния, непрекъснат глас на реката, блясъци и неясни светлини, играещи по приказната фасада на града и шумът от преливащия с енергия бурен живот на студентите. (Las noches se llenan con el murmullo permanente del río, las brillantes e hipnóticas luces jugando en la fachada feérica de la ciudad, y el ruido de la tormentosa y energética vida estudiantil. The nights are filled with the constant voice of the river, the glitters and dazed lights, playing on the fairy face of the town and the noise of the energy-filled stormy student's life.)

Това са къщите, наставени една над друга по стръмните склонове на града. (Las casas, apiladas unas encima de las otras, se sitúan en las desaliñadas colinas de la ciudad. / The houses, stacked one above the other, are situated on the sloppy hills of the town.)

[Wikipedia] Veliko Tárnovo (en búlgaro Велико Търново, traducible por el "Gran Tárnovo") es el centro cultural del norte de Bulgaria. Situada a 250 km. al este de Sofía, la ciudad fue fundada a orillas del río Yantra por los tracios y en la época de mayor esplendor del Imperio Búlgaro, en la alta edad media, fue la capital del país. El turismo y la industria textil son los principales sectores de la actividad económica de la ciudad.

Veliko Turnovo (Bulgarian: Велико Търново, the "Great Turnovo") is the cultural center in the north of Bulgaria. Located 250 km. east from Sofia, the city was built by the river Yantra by the Tracians and in the most esplendorous age of the Bulgarian Empire, in the high middle ages, it was the country's capital. Tourism and textil industry are the main sectors of the city's economic activity.